
Below you can find my images used in different products. All products are sold and shipped directly from my gallery in Westport, Ireland.

Photo Prints

High quality photo prints, produced on 260gsm Canon Luster paper in various sizes and finishes. Bigger wall arts are printed on 260gsm Fujicolor Crystal Archive Photo Paper in a trusted photo lab in Berlin, Germany. All photo prints are personally inspected by me and hand signed and have a proof of authenticity sticker on the back.


Photography Tutorial Booklet

Start taking better photos by learning how your camera works and what all the dials and buttons are for. 
Learn how to get the right composition and how to edit your images on the computer to bring the best out of them.

This pocket size booklet is packed with 52 pages of tips, tricks, jargon busters and interactive training aids, as well as links to tutorial videos about post processing.